This year our school is going to participate in the Simcoe County Regional Science and Technology Fair. The date of the Fair is Friday, April 6 to Saturday April 7. It is being held at Bear Creek Secondary School. The information found below is a quick overview of the Fair; however, more specific information can be found on the website: including rules, getting started, judging criteria and resources.
Students in grade 4 to 8 will participate in the Fair. They will present their projects to their classroom teacher. The classroom teacher will then select a few students from their class to then present their projects in the gym. The judges will then select 10 projects to then practicipate in the Regional Fair.
There are 5 categories that you can participate in:
- Computer and Engineering Technology
- Concentrates primarily of the development of computing hardware, software or applications.
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- This focuses on topics relating to planetary processes, the relationship of organisms to those processes, or the relationship between and among organisms.
- Plant and Animal Sciences
- Examines some aspect of the lifestyle of a non-human organism
- Comparison testing of products is also included in this category.
- Human and Health Sciences
- Examines some biological and/or clinical aspect of human life or lifestyle and its transition into improved health for humans, or more effective health services and products.
- Physical and Mathematical Sciences
- Studies abiotic phenomenon to understand the relationship between identified factors, perhaps including a cause and effect relationship, or the use of mathematical models or mathematics to solve theoretical problems.
Exhibits are further classified into four categories based on the grade the student is in.
- Grade 4-6 Elementary
- Grade 7-8 Junior
A maximum of two students may work together on an exhibit with the approval of their teacher. If the pupils are in different grades, then the exhibit will be judged in the category of the pupil in the higher grade.
Exhibits must be designed and assembled entirely by students, although teachers and others may give advice. Any assistance given by someone else should be noted clearly on the display.
Display Dimensions
- 1.2 m wide, 0.8 m deep and 2.5 m high measured from the floor.
- Display can not project into any aisle
- Material needs to be placed neatly on your backdrop and everything should be typed up and organized.
At the school level it doesn’t matter what material you use as your backdrop; however, if you want to continue to the Fair held at Bear Creek there are several restrictions on the type of material you are allowed to use. Please check the website for specific information about this topic.
- You may not use dangerous chemicals in your experiments.
- If you require electricity please use it appropriately and you need to inform the Fair, in advance, in order for them to have it available for your use.
- All material on your display need to be safe.
- Please read the website for more specific information about this topic.
Scientific Thought 45 points
Creative Ability 25 points
Skill 10 points
Dramatic Value 10 points
Oral Communication 10 points