Decimals & Percents
Decimal Arithmetic
Adding & Subtracting Integers
Negative Integers
Parallel, Perpendicular & Intersecting Lines
Similar vs. Congruent
Congruent Triangles
Congruent Shapes
If two figures are congruent, then they're exactly the same shape, and they're exactly the same size. They may appear different because one is shifted or rotated a certain way, but they're still the same shape, and all the sides of one are the same length as the corresponding sides of the other.
November 16th - Patterning & Algebra Quiz
Your Survey Project
The "mean" is the "average" you're used to, where you add up all the numbers and then divide by the number of numbers.
The "median" is the "middle" value in the list of numbers.
The "mode" is the number in the list that is repeated the most. If no number in the list is repeated, then there is no mode for the list.
How to ask the right questions video
Adding Fractions
Lets Learn Fractions
Fractions with Pattern Blocks
Introduction to Square Roots
Learning about Lowest Common Multiples (aka LCM)
We're reviewing the Greatest Common Factor (aka GCF)
We're learning about multiples and factors in our Number Sense strand.
Math Tutoring
Math Curriculum